We are Profesionalni Kreativni Inovativni Iskusni



With you from 1986

Hi! We are DINOPLAST doo.

• Producing small and medium-sized parts of all types of technical plastics up to 120 grams of mass

Arburg new generation German machinery

• We offer the best prices for injection moulding

• We respect deadlines

• Speed and quality

Quality and experience in every detail


in addition to making tools, we perform on machines of the newer generation of German ARBURG  specijalizovani smo za male artikle do 120 grama mase.
U našoj firmi nudimo i profesionalnu izradu alata za brizganje plastike, posedujemo alatnicu sa CNC mašinama nemačkih proizvođača kao što je DECKEL.

Also, we perform service plastic injection. In our company we also offer professional production of plastic injection tools because we have a tool shop with CNC machines from German manufacturers such as DECKEL.

ukoliko klijent već poseduje svoj alat i u zavisnosti od dogovora brizganje plastike vršimo na Vašim ili našim alatima prethodno izrađenim po Vašoj porudžbini.
Slanjem crteža komponente na e-mail adresu: dinoplastdoo@gmail.com ubrzo ćete dobiti ponudu sa rokom isporuke u zavisnosti od toga da li već imate alat ili treba da se izgradi alat za brizganje komponente.

Our Company owns 10 injection moulding or casting machines.
In terms of collaboration, when requesting injection moulding the client asks for a quote for the desired object and a deadline for producing a certain quantity of the object. The deadline provided is the shortest possible deadline.

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Satisfied customers
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Years of experience
Fast and quality PLASTIC INJECTION SOLUTIONS for successful business

A team of our experts It is at your disposal.Our Company offers comprehensive services, quality experience and advisory services in the initial stages of product development. We provide assistance in choosing materials and support in tool making, we adhere to deadlines and provide superior injection moulding services from prototype to large series production, using either your or our own tools. 

We develop technological and economical solutions adapted to suit your needs.

All in one place.


We perform injection moulding or casting, on ARBURG new generation, German machinery. ARBURG. Specijalizovani smo za male artikle do 120 grama mase.
U našoj firmi nudimo i profesionalnu izradu alata za brizganje plastike,  posedujemo alatnicu sa CNC mašinama nemačkih proizvođača kao što je DECKEL.
Takođe, vršimo i uslužno brizganje plastike ukoliko klijent već poseduje svoj alat i u zavisnosti od dogovora brizganje plastike vršimo na Vašim ili našim alatima prethodno izrađenim po Vašoj porudžbini.
Slanjem crteža komponente na e-mail adresu: dinoplastdoo@gmail.com ubrzo ćete dobiti ponudu sa rokom isporuke u zavisnosti od toga da li već imate alat ili treba da se izgradi alat za brizganje komponente.

Our Company owns 10 injection moulding or casting machines.

In terms of collaboration, when requesting injection moulding the client asks for a quote for the desired object and a deadline for producing a certain quantity of the object. The deadline provided is the shortest possible deadline.

What is injection moulding?

Plastic are materials that contain a polymeric compound as its basic component. Polymer masses are rarely used in their original form, rather, various additives are added which significantly improve one or more of their properties, which results in obtaining technically usable polymeric materials. Under certain conditions, at a certain stage of production, these materials become plastic i.e., they can be moulded under the influence of heat and pressure, and after cooling, retain the desired shape.

Injection moulding is one of the most widely used technological procedures applied to processing plastics.

Razvoj novih materijala i sve veći zahtevi u eksploataciji proizvoda dobijenih brizganjem uslovili su i razvoj i usavršavanje različitih postupaka brizganja.
Proces proizvodnje delova od plastike metodom brizganja je veoma jednostavna metoda, jer na mašinama brizgalicama postoji mogućnost postavljanja različitih alata odnosno kalupa, tako da se mogu izraditi različiti komadi.
Što se tiče samog procesa brizganja, on je potpuno automatizovan i kao što smo već naveli on se odvija na mašinama na koju je prethodno stavljen alat za brizgranje željenog plastičnog komada.

Injection molding process
The technological process of injection moulding is comprised of a range of operations which are performed automatically. To initiate the cycle, it is necessary to perform operations that bring the machine or injection system into working condition and the starting position. Often these operations include heating the fusion cylinder and hydraulic oil to operating temperature, and the starting position is usually as follows: open mould, ejector in the rear position, offset nozzle and controlled material. The plastic purchased as a raw material usually comes in the form of granules and is added to the injection moulding machine in this form, where it passes through the heated parts of the machine, whereby it takes liquid form and as such molten plastic is injected into the injection moulding tool using a piston or rotating screw under very high pressure. The plastic takes on the desired form in the tool and is then cooled. The tool opens automatically after a cooling period and the plastic object is cast. There are many parameters which must be fulfilled such as the temperature of the tool and the plastic, pressure in the machine clip, and plastic cooling time. Given that injection moulding machines are automatic and the casting process is repeated tens of thousands of times, tools are built of steel to provide the required durability.

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predloge i sugestije Vase je samo da zamislite.